UP International News

News - UP International

Friday, 28 February 2025

Almost 200km with an average of 36kph

UP distributor Aninder Singh from Norway had a pretty good cross-country flight early this year: he flew 198 km on February 6, 2025 with his TRANGO X (EN/LTF C) in Kenya. Congratulations!

Flight detail : Aninder Singh Mallhi - 6.2.2025 - PT - 198.86 km :: XContest.org - world of XC paragliding

Who else has something to report? We are very happy when we are made aware of such great flights, new videos, beautiful photos or similar from the UP community – just contact us on social media. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Video “The X-Era” - insights on our 2.5-liners

We have an interview with Chief Designer Frantisek “Franta” Pavlousek for you, in which he talks in detail about all X-models. At UP, the “X” stands for “Cross” and thus the best of 2- and 3-line technology in combination. You can find out what advantages our hybrids have in the video on our YouTube channel.
Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Sale of demo gliders and residual items

It's easy to get a new paraglider in time for the next season and get a bargain at the same time, with our sale list. Here you will find used models from our demo stock and sometimes even brand new gliders from the previous collection. Important: if you are interested in a wing from this list, please contact your UP dealer. Our dealer will make you a favorable, non-binding price offer. We do not sell directly.

Have fun flying!

Friday, 17 January 2025

Podcast with UP designer Frantisek “Franta” Pavlousek

Three decades of experience in paraglider construction! There is a lot to talk about, and the “Paragliding Atlas” podcast series by Aninder Singh from Norway has taken on the “pure gold of information” (quote from the podcast) on Spotify. It covers the history of technical developments, current trends/materials and an outlook on future paraglider design. You can find the 1.5-hour conversation in English here.
Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Test report of flight school Edelweiss on RIMO 2 (EN/LTF A)

Markus Reuther, owner of the flight school Edelweiss, was one of the first to test our new A-wing RIMO 2. His conclusion in the summary is as follows:

“The RIMO 2 is a well-balanced beginner's wing that offers an extremely high level of passive safety. The difference to the previous model, RIMO 1, is the better climbing performance of the canopy during zero wind starts. I don't currently know of a better wing in the A-segment that handles all training maneuvers as well as the new UP wing, such as accelerated big ears, pitching, rolling and, above all, collapses. When it comes to the most important descent maneuver for beginners – accelerated big ears – nothing flutters, the ears are big enough, the descent maneuver is stable and therefore also effective and long-lasting. The canopy launches beautifully and there is hardly any collapsing. If you want to have fun or learn to spiral, the control is precise to the centimeter, allowing you to practice and learn perfectly without reaching an overly dynamic flight state.”

Thursday, 09 January 2025

Workshop re-opened

2-year check, performance check, repair due? Or a quick repack of your reserve? Now is the best opportunity to get your UP paraglider and reserve ready for the coming season in our workshop. Please enclose this completed form when you send in your equipment. More information about checking/repairs/reserve repacking can be found here.

Here's to a safe new season!
